Monday, September 5, 2011


This tearm we are learning all about science. I am really enjoying it each week we go to a different class between 5,6,7 and 8 so far we have learnt about heat,air and reactions. my favourite was reactions we  put mentos into fizz at first we thought that it could be the mint so we tried it with fruit flavour and it worked 
so it was not the mint in the end we found out it was not the stuff on the inside because the hard shell
was still on when it was in. next we did try it with rasberry flavour some people thought it was something in the diet coke but it worked in any flavour so now I really like science.

From Aisling


  1. Hi Aisling
    Nice blog.
    It was funny when Oscar got wet, Lucky it wasn't any one else.
    I already knew about the milk experiment because for Callum's Open day they did it.

  2. Hi aisling
    what a cool blog i love your science post but please put more
